Joel Bakken, MS, MMgt, Licensed Psychologist (MN), Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), LABA (ND)

Joel Bakken supervises the Interns' experience providing crisis on-call and consultation to the Mobile Crisis team, and their consultation experience with Solutions’ residential program. Mr. Bakken received both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology from North Dakota State University, specializing in clinical behavior therapy. He worked as a behavior analyst for ten years, specializing in applied behavior analysis, developmental disabilities and autism, as well as the provision of day treatment programming. He has provided on-call services and supervised the provision of these services for the past 18 years, including Solutions’ Mobile Crisis team.

Mr. Bakken founded Solutions Behavioral Healthcare Professionals in September, 1999. He functions as the Executive Director, and also provides clinical oversight to community-based services. He specializes in providing behaviorally-based interventions to individuals with autism, serious emotional disturbances, mental health difficulties and severe personality disorders. He is licensed as a Licensed Psychologist (MS level) in Minnesota and an Applied Behavior Analyst (LABA) in North Dakota. He is also a Board- Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

Mr. Bakken is adjunct faculty with University of North Dakota’s Department of Teaching and Learning, where he teaches a graduate-level Methods and Applications course for behavior analysis students. He also supervises practicum placements for students in applied behavior analysis.